четверг, 1 ноября 2012 г.

Email Extractor.

Let me tell you a little bit about cool tool named email extractor. It extracts email addresses from websites, blogs, forums and social networks. Sometimes you don't know where your prospects surf but you might have some keywords which describe your business. Use them in email extractor and it will find all of them in search engine like google.

The easiest way to sell your products or services is to contact potential customers directly by email address, phone. Email extractor application is useful when you must contact customers and make advertisement campaigns. Email extractor may harvest email addresses on blogs, forums, Facebook, Youtube or any other website where you think your customers are hanging on.

Email extractor can also extract emails from mail boxes, documents , and so on. You can extract all contacts like email addresses scan files on your hard drive and extract emails. In some cases you don't have desire to scan and extract emails form the whole site . Enter urls to email extractor and it will do the work for you.

Extract emails from blogs, forums, websites Enter the site name you want to extract email addresses. Sometimes you have a great product/service you create and nobody knows about it. How to get your audience/customers know about your product/service? You must start advertising it. How to extract their contact information such as emails from websites like blogs and forums ? You can search them manually by using any search engine or run email extractor.

In some cases you might not know websites you need to extract emails from but you know some keywords describing your customers. All you need to do is to type keywords in the textbox of application and press start button inside email extractor. Did you research where your potential customers fritter time away on internet ? I suppose they are are on websites like social networks, forums, blogs. It is a fact that lots of people have email addresses. Without doubts people leave contact info such as phones, emails on websites.

вторник, 5 июня 2012 г.

On May Day!

Congratulations to the May Day!.
Warm days you want!.
Do not take it into the hands of the poster.
They now need a shovel.
Train in the garden:.
And at work, and on the nature,.
And the slogan is just:.

cap fits.

Am I not in favor of vegetable gardens, even a test has to demonstrate to me to go, rather than giving. My vocation. simply requires to join the demonstrators. You choose for yourself. The test will help you.


In a demonstration!.

Zyuganov will welcome you as a mother, hug, and you sing a duet with him, ... Then you go chasing through the streets of the capital steps and roll forward narkomovskie 100 grams.

воскресенье, 3 июня 2012 г.

How to make a YAN 20,000 from one site

Stimmi sold for 1 hour five sites, which raised 100 thousand. rub. per month, at a cost of 23 thousand. rub. Believe the fact of the existence of such sites and the fact of the transaction - a private matter. We are here on the other - how to make a profit from YAN ( Adsense, runner).

For me it's non-priority, immediately confess. And explain why - there is no stability. See reports. YAN is a lot, there is little. Yesterday I dripped 400 rubles. It happens, and 50 rubles. And an average of 200. And it is at 8 sites in YAN. Roughly speaking, for me it. one. , And let drip drip - not asking for money. But you also have a lot at once? .

1 ). It is necessary to choose a theme. Runner's walk lists on the internet, but we will do the other way. It should be regnutsya in Yandex, then switch to direct. yandex. ru - log in and create an advertising campaign. Actually, we are interested in the third step in organizing campaigns. Picking up key phrases ( of the HF and MF ), look what the current price per click. The work is boring, but for 5-6 hours a drocheva you gather up a few phrases 10.5 with a price of 50 rubles a click.

2 ). It is necessary to make the sites that will be in the YAN. Depends on the content of these things ( or qualitative Unic copy-paste ), from the design ( look, but not much, but better is better ) on the subject (finance COX ). Do you want more money, make a federal site. I so happened historically ( not done by and for people YAN ) most - Regional.

3 ). It is necessary to pump the site to regular attendance. not less than 100 a day with a predominant share of the search. Seo taxis. Go to the glanders and buy links. Do not make yourself smart, blunt snout to buy up as the anchor of our keyword. Can secondary housing, by the same rule. No need to LF. Bass are not taxis. We have the top of our HF and MF. We press, we press and we press. While not extricate ourselves. Expensive? . Top will cost you 200-300 bucks a month. Maybe a thousand, of course, the cost, but we are smart and will pick up the words in advance, which will cost acceptable. In theory, you can find phrases with top 30-40 bucks. But in the theory and the Sun to the Earth may fall.

4 ). Go to. WoP. and register website. , Waiting for appruva. Today appruv last week. If you will be - cool, go loot. If not, you were great at the start-up costs.

5) If a site is accepted,. important to keep it in the top. at any cost. This constant monitoring, tracking of the reference mass and m. Dr.. But a nice exhaust. Rising from the same site for 700 bucks no one will refuse to.

All the questions - how nice to get as many poisons (? ), I can redirect. Stimmi. and. Anton. , With whom I have repeatedly acquainted. Another thing is that both the first and the second from their sites to get rid YAN ( through sales to third parties). Why not? . Eventually you get tired. More fucked with only CJ.

четверг, 31 мая 2012 г.

What makes Chromium and Chrome from other assemblies?

It would seem that the answer to that burning question on the surface. But as in almost every case, and here has its own nuances and ' pitfalls '. Let's try to understand all the ramifications of the most stable in my opinion, a promising and ambitious browser in 2012!.

Let's start with the fact that. Google Chrome. - The browser, developed by Google based on the free browser. Chromium. and uses to display Web pages engine. WebKit. (.
Wikipedia. ). It follows an entirely logical conclusion that Chrome is the same as Chromium, based on the same engine and has almost the same development team (at least I think so ). But why do developers make very ' similar ' projects, because you can concentrate on one!.

It turns out that the assembly Chromium updated every day, unlike his younger brother, but you do not have any auto-update! . FTP. To testers and other people interested in the development of the browser, before anyone been able to optimize their ideas to the new code and later released the final release of his ideas for a stable Chrome. Here we have a chain and is obtained. To summarize the arguments:.

All very tasty and new, appears first in the assemblies, Chromium, which is updated every day, while Chrome behind him for a couple of versions of. The truth about any auto-update Chromium can be no question, therefore, not recommended for ordinary users to use this channel!.

If you look in terms of speed and performance, then the one hand Chromium is faster because it uses more advanced technology and ideas, but on the other hand, it happens sometimes that some assembly is obtained ... Hence the crashes, freezes, glitches. Of course such behavior is not necessarily rare, and (at least to me this was not), but nevertheless it is not necessary to forget about it, if you suddenly decide to test the latest features and flags!.

There are three channel:. Stable. (stable ). Beta. (Beta ). Dev. (for developers). This fork was made only to users more quickly get a more stable version. By the way, there is another channel which even has its own auto-update server! . We are now talking about. Chrome Canary. However it can not be set as the default browser, but personally I always keep with you this unstable channel, so be aware of all significant changes.

P. S. I hope the project has helped users. Chromium. choose a Web browser for your needs. After all, if you want a stable and relevant for today browser, you'd better set. Chrome Stabe. And if you are extreme, loves to test the latest features of Google, then you should pay attention to the. Chrome Canary. or assembly. Chromium. The remaining channels are intermediate. But in any case the final decision to accept you, my readers!.

вторник, 29 мая 2012 г.

The release of Chrome 6

Today, the long-awaited release of Google Chrome 6. It improves performance by 20%, and added many features of HTML and hardware acceleration. Besides all this, developers have changed the interface a bit and added extensions and synchronization of the journal. Download this miracle possible. here. And yes, you a successful trip to the fastest and most stable browser on Earth!.

- [ 34414 ] Low Pop-up blocker bypass with blank frame target. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Inferno) and ...

- [ 37201 ] Medium URL bar visual spoofing with homographic sequences. Credit to Chris Weber of Casaba Security.

- [ 41654 ] Medium Apply more restrictions on setting clipboard content. Credit to Brook Novak.

- [ 45659 ] High Stale pointer with SVG filters. Credit to Tavis Ormandy of the Google Security Team.

- [ 45876 ] Medium Possible installed extension enumeration. Credit to Lostmon.

- [ 46750 ] [ 51846 ] Low Browser NULL crash with WebSockets. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (SkyLined), Google Chrome Security Team (Justin Schuh) and Keith Campbell.

- [ $ 1,000 ] [ 50,386 ] High Use-after-free in Notifications presenter. Credit to Sergey Glazunov.

- [ 50839 ] High Notification permissions memory corruption. Credit to Michal Zalewski of the Google Security Team and Google Chrome Security Team (SkyLined).

- [$ 1337 ] [ 51630 ] [ 51739 ] High Integer errors in WebSockets. Credit to Keith Campbell and Google Chrome Security Team (Cris Neckar).

- [$ 500] [ 51653 ] High Memory corruption with counter nodes. Credit to kuzzcc.

- [ 51727 ] Low Avoid storing excessive autocomplete entries. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Inferno).

- [ 52443 ] High Stale pointer in focus handling. Credit to VUPEN Vulnerability Research Team (VUPEN-SR- 2010- 249).

- [ $ 1,000 ] [ 52,682 ] High Sandbox parameter deserialization error. Credit to Ashutosh Mehra and Vineet Batra of the Adobe Reader Sandbox Team.

понедельник, 28 мая 2012 г.

Carnival in - Gualeguaychu Argentina ( Video)

In the so-called korsodrome ( area length of about 500 m in front of the former railway station ), the skill demonstrated nearly a thousand artists, united in several theatrical and dance groups - kompars.

Some of the costumes, stylized Venetian masquerade attire of participants of the XIX century, weighed 80 kg. Front of the stands were 12 karros - open platforms with giant fairy figures. The beat of drums and rhythms show lasted about five hours. The entrance ticket cost 20 to $ 200.

Carnival continued on Saturday for two months and will end on the first Sunday in March. It is expected that this year he will visit about a quarter of a million spectators and the total revenue from its holding will exceed $ 50 million.
Best of all days, on the basis of statements define a panel of judges consisting of local and international celebrities - designers, artists, architects and musicians. The winners are guaranteed significant government subsidies for the preparation of the next festival.
Carnival in Argentina focuses on dance and acting, its roots originate in the medieval Italian tradition. Street carnivals appeared in what is now Argentina in 1600, during the reign of the Spanish. From 1771 to hold carnivals began in clubs and private homes, but after 90 years they have returned to the streets.
Summer Carnival in Argentina takes place in many cities, including Buenos Aires. But the main show, which is visited by about 300,000 tourists annually in the small town of Gualeguaychu in the province of Entre Rios, 200 kilometers from the capital of Argentina. Fancy Dress ' celebration of joy and love ', reminiscent of a similar action in Rio de Janeiro, is the longest in the world: this year it began on January 1 and will end March 7. According to local experts, the total revenue from the carnival will exceed $ 50 million.

Carnival has been held for more than 30 years and is very popular among tourists from Finland, Sweden, Canada and Russia.

The show lasts about five hours and is held on Sunday night. The entrance fee ranges from 20 to 200 dollars.

Demonstrate their mastery over a thousand spectators of amateur artists who are united in several theatrical and dance groups, which are called komparsami. Each komparse - its ' Murga ': core dancers and musicians with only their peculiar style, repertoire, roles and costumes. And the harmony of form and content are not necessarily. Often there is dressed in gold, silver and silk ' medieval princes and barons ' perform quite modern melodies and verses on the topic of the day.

Crowned with a parade komparsu barely dressed ' stars ', performing at a furious pace Negro dance ' kandombe '. Earlier end of the carnival fell on the first Sunday in March, but this year the decree of President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has been renewed military dictatorship that existed before the 1976 Tradition: Argentina and the rest in the next two days. Therefore, further insights will be held on the night of 7 to March 8.

As located on the border with Uruguay Gualeguaychu city, which has not, and 100,000 inhabitants, in these summer months for the southern hemisphere for the weekend come to no less than 30 thousand guests who stay here for a few days.

Carnival in Gualeguychu is the so-called korsodrome - site about 500 meters long in front of the former railway station. In the stands built for the holiday can accommodate 35,000 people.

In the Argentine city of Gualeguaychu the opening of the Carnival season.

In Gualeguaychu is the longest in the world, Carnival - colorful and noisy procession pass in the country for two months. Carnival continued on Saturday for two months and will end on the first Sunday in March. Year costumed ... It is expected that this year he will visit about a quarter of a million spectators and the total revenue from its holding will exceed $ 50 million.